Shatavari Churna:
Shatavari is considered as Ayurvedic wonder health supplement for woman. It is a rejuvenating herb that cools the body, strengthens and nourishes the tissues. Traditionally used to maintain the healthy production of female hormones, Shatavari may be translated as “100 spouses” implying its role in promoting fertility and vitality. As a nutritive tonic it encourages the healthy production of milk in lactating mothers. Shatavari calms the mind and promotes healthy immune system; its unctuous quality soothes and nurtures membranes of the lungs, stomach and reproductive organs.
Botanical name: Asperagus racemosus
Family: Liliaceae
Useful part: Root
Rasa: Madhura, Tikta
Guna: Guru
Veerya: Sheeta
Vipaka: Madhura
Balances Vata and Pitta dosha
Shatavari benefits:
- An Aprodisiac
- Rasayana: promotes longetivity
- Treats blood disorders
- Improves breast milk production
- Improves quality and quantity of semen
- A Medhya: Brain tonic
- Provides nourishment
- Improves vision
- Anti inflammatory
- Relieves diarrhoea
- Usedin the management of fertility issues
- Relieves injuries