Arjuna Churna


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Arjuna Twak Churna

Arjuna is one among  Ayurveda ‘s eminent herb for the heart and is considered as ‘Hridya’ as it strenghtens,nourishes and tones the heart .A herb that is helpful in conditions of controlling sugar levels and exhibits anti hypertensive properties, also an antioxidant, Arjuna is said to be a good source of Calcium. It supports healthy lipid metabolism.

Botanical name: Terminalia arjuna (Roxb.) W & A

Family: Combretaceae

Part used: Bark


Rasa: Kashaya

Guna: Ruksha, Laghu

Veerya: Sita

Vipaka: Katu

Pacifies Kapha and Pitta doshas.


Arjuna benefits:

  • A cardiac tonic,useful in cardiac disorders
  • Exhibits anti hypertensive properties and supports healthy cholestrol levels
  • Supports quick wound healing
  • Used in controlling blood sugar levels.

Additional information


100gm, 500gm, 1kg