Madhunashini or Gudmar is renowned for its use in promoting healthy blood glucose levels and supporting the proper function of the Pancreas. It promotes the healthy production of insulin and supports natural metabolic process.
Botanical name: Gymnema sylvestre
Family: Asclepiadaceae
Useful part: Leaf
Rasa: Kashaya, Tikta
Guna: Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Balances vitiated Kapha and Vata doshas
Agatysa Madhunashini Churna benefits:
- Utilized in the treatment of Diabetes
- Pacifies burning sensation
- Checks bleeding disorders
- Reduces inflammation, vomitting and excessive thirst
- Treats respiratory, cardiac and skin disorders, wounds and ulcers
- Improves vision