Dhanvantaram Taila 200ml


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Dhanvantaram Taila

Named after the God of Ayurveda, Dhanvantaram Taila is a traditional Ayurvedic medicated oil used for the treatment of diseases related to nerves and musculoskeletal system. Agatsya Dhanvantaram Taila is prepared by the combination of 28 varieties of herbs that are helpful in promoting health, energy and vitality. It is a nerve tonic, reduces pain and inflammation.It can also be internally administered in various Vata vikaras (diseases related to neuro muscular system). It is a drug of choice to manage neurological disorders  and is known to be beneficial in degenerative conditions caused by Vata Dosha and post traumatic conditions.It is useful in conditions including loss of strength, muscle wasting, delayed milestone and also peurperal women.

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